
Do you suffer from Plantar Fasciitis, pain in your Big Toe Joint or have been told that you have a Neuroma? What comes next? Is there anything you can do? Well, Cortisone injections may be a great option for you!

Besides pain and inflammation, the commonality between these ailments is in the solution. All three conditions can typically be successfully treated with orthotics and cortisone injections. Cortisone injections in your feet, serve the same purpose as cortisone injections in your knee, or shoulder – they offer localized relief from pain and decrease inflammation.

Cortisone is a medication that, when delivered directly to the site of concern, works faster and more effectively than oral anti-inflammatories, such as ibuprofen. Rather than taking a pill and the medicine being filtered through your body and only a fraction of it reaching your feet, a cortisone injection targets the area of concern immediately and with little side effects. The injections are usually comprised of a corticosteroid medication and a local anesthetic. The local anesthetic will offer some immediate relief of pain as the area will be numb for a few hours.

Depending on the choice of corticosteroid used, a cortisone injection can suppress localized inflammation for anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months. It is a great adjunct to orthotics, which provide the opportunity for healing of damaged tissue and/or better foot support.

Most patients are a good candidate for a foot cortisone injection, with the exception of children or those with a medication specific allergy or who are already taking corticosteroids. If you are unsure as to whether cortisone is ideal for, you should ask your family doctor or a BioPed Chiropodist.

Cortisone injections are offered at select BioPed clinics, where Chiropody services are provided. To find your nearest location, or to request an appointment today, visit https://www.bioped.com/locations