
Living with knee pain and discomfort is a challenge many Canadians face daily. When it comes to managing knee pain, there are many treatments ranging from rest and modifying activities all the way to a full knee joint replacement. A common and effective approach to managing knee pain is bracing, and specifically custom knee braces. There are many factors to consider when it comes to choosing this kind of brace, and today we will outline some of the key reasons for using them in your treatment plan.

What Do Knee Braces Do?

A knee brace is a medical device that is designed to provide support, stability, and relief for people with musculoskeletal issues. Featuring components like compression liners, strong hinges, or a sturdy frame, knee braces aim to modify knee movement and alleviate stress on the joint. Some of the main conditions that can occur around the knee joint include:

  • Ligament sprains/tears
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome
  • Meniscus tear
  • General instability

Are Off-The-Shelf Knee Braces Any Good?

Off-the-shelf or over-the-counter knee braces can be very helpful for many minor to moderate stages of many knee conditions. While cost-effective, these braces are less controlling in correcting movement due to generic or pre-determined sizes. They can serve as an affordable initial option for individuals exploring knee bracing treatment.

Understanding Custom Knee Braces

Unlike off-the-shelf braces, custom braces are specifically tailored to the unique anatomy and requirements of the wearer. They are crafted from measurements, scans, and assessments of the individual’s condition, ensuring a precise and comfortable fit.

Benefits of Custom Knee Braces

Personalized Support

Custom braces are tailored to the individual’s body shape and the specific nature of their condition. Some individuals may not fall within the measurements for an off-the-shelf brace, or their unique leg shape may not match up to a prefabricated size. Custom measurements ensure optimal support and comfort, addressing the unique challenges presented by each case.

Improved Functionality

Custom braces are designed to enhance the wearer’s functionality. They are more precise and direct in the way they work due to the strength of their design and the specific way that they fit the knee. They can aid in restoring mobility, reducing pain, and preventing further damage to the affected area for complex conditions such as ligament injuries and osteoarthritis.

Long-Term Solution

Custom braces are often considered a long-term solution, providing ongoing support as individuals manage their conditions. The personalized fit contributes to increased compliance, as users are more likely to wear a brace that is comfortable and effective. They can be an invaluable tool prior to more invasive treatments such as surgery or in lieu of joint replacement.

Considerations Before Opting for a Custom Brace

Consultation with your Healthcare Professionals

Before considering a custom brace, it’s essential to consult with a doctor to diagnose your condition. At BioPed, your Certified Pedorthist can more thoroughly assess your condition, determine the appropriateness of a brace, and guide you on the best course of action.

Nature of the Condition

The type and severity of the condition play a crucial role in determining whether a custom brace is necessary. While some mild to moderate cases may benefit from off-the-shelf options, there are other conditions with unique anatomical considerations that may require a custom solution.

Lifestyle and Activity Level

Consider your lifestyle and activity level. Custom braces can be a great option for anyone looking to walk or get back to some gentle activity, but they are are also suitable for individuals with specific needs, such as athletes or those with physically demanding jobs.

Cost Considerations

Custom braces can be more expensive than off-the-shelf options. It’s important to weigh the potential benefits against the cost and explore insurance coverage options.

Come See Us!

If you are looking to manage your knee pain, or if you have recently been prescribed a custom knee brace, we are here to help. At BioPed, your clinical team is well equipped to assess your unique considerations to provide a treatment plan that is right for you. Visit us today to get back to doing more of what you love in life!