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5 Therapeutic areas where BioPed can help you


5 Therapeutic areas where BioPed can help you
At BioPed Footcare we are your one stop shop for all of your lower limb needs.
Leg Swelling (Edema) – What you need to know


Leg Swelling (Edema) – What you need to know
Swelling, also known as edema, affects millions of people worldwide. This is a buildup of excess fluid in parts of the body, typically the lower legs or lower arms, that has become congested or “stuck” and is struggling to clear out of the area.
How does compression work?


How does compression work?
Compression socks can be a lifesaver for people who sit or stand for long periods of time. Whether you have a condition that causes swelling or not, compression socks can be used to allow you to do more while moving through your busy day.
Sore knees getting the better of you? Learn possible causes and treatments


Sore knees getting the better of you? Learn possible causes and treatments
Dealing with sore knees can be a difficult experience, especially when you are unsure of what’s causing it and how to make it go away.
Everything To Know About Compression Socks!


Everything To Know About Compression Socks!
Compression socks are widely known among people suffering from leg or foot problems but they have benefits that many people, including active individuals and those who stand on their feet all day, can take advantage of. In particular, people who have or are experiencing any of the following conditions can benefit from wearing gradient compression socks or stockings:
How do Diabetic socks and compression socks differ?

Medical Conditions

How do Diabetic socks and compression socks differ?
There are important differences to note when choosing one over the other. We’ll take a moment to outline the differences and provide guidance on selecting the best socks for your needs.
Have weekly soccer games got your knees aching daily?


Have weekly soccer games got your knees aching daily?
Soccer can be a rough sport, especially as we get older and still want to play just as hard. Don’t let your favourite sport cause pain that stems into daily life. Read below to find out how you can keep those knees feeling young all throughout your day and into the second half of the game.
Over the counter vs Custom fit – which is best for Knee Bracing?


Over the counter vs Custom fit – which is best for Knee Bracing?
Knee pain should not stop you from doing the things you love. Today we’ll chat knee bracing and how to make the decision on what to choose… Custom or OTC.
Do your feet need end of summer care?

Medical Footcare

Do your feet need end of summer care?
You have been enjoying the beautiful summer weather. Kicking off your shoes, walking around the pool or with your toes in the sand at the beach. Life is good. Summer is a great time to get outside and do more, but have you been taking care of your feet? Do your feet require some end-of-summer care to prepare for fall?
I have thicker legs and find compression too tight around the top of my calf, making them uncomfortable. Is there something I can do?

Medical Footcare

I have thicker legs and find compression too tight around the top of my calf, making them uncomfortable. Is there something I can do?
Do your legs ever feel achy, tired, fatigued, heavy or swollen? If they do, you may have a condition known as chronic venous insufficiency and you could benefit from compression therapy.