
Dealing with sore knees can be a difficult experience, especially when you are unsure of what’s causing it and how to make it go away. Don’t let knee pain stop you from doing the things you love to do and start working towards a solution today. Let us help you address your knee pain and guide you on your way to figuring out what the potential causes could be.

Signs and Symptoms of Knee Pain:

  • Swelling and inflammation
  • Stiff and achy joints
  • Feeling of instability during movement
  • Pain with sharp changes in direction
  • Limping during gait
  • Reduced range of motion

Common Knee Injuries


Osteoarthritis a degenerative disease that worsens as time progresses. Often osteoarthritis is caused by increased stress on knees, often from prolonged time on feet and heavy impact. Generally, osteoarthritic pain is a more common complaint in the older population.

Treatment: Custom made orthotics, orthopedic shoes, physiotherapy, and knee braces are effective in offloading painful areas, reducing pain, and improving overall biomechanics.

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome:

Most will know of this condition as runner’s knee. The occurrence of patellofemoral pain is often associated with imbalances or weaknesses in the muscles surrounding the hip and knee, resulting in a lack of proper alignment for the kneecap.

Treatment: Physiotherapy and patella strap bracing are effective treatments, and compression sleeves may help reduce pain.

Sprains and Tears

Injuries to the ACL, MCL, or LCL due to general wear and tear or injury can cause pain that occurs well after the date of injury. This is especially true if nothing was done for rehabilitation.

Treatment: Bracing is often the best treatment method as they work to stabilize the knee and take pressure off of the affected area. Physiotherapy is also recommended to aid the knee in strength development.

Meniscus Injury:

Meniscus injuries are caused often from twisting motions occurring at a fast pace. As the foot is planted and the knee twists while it bends, shearing forces are placed on the meniscus, which can cause tears.

Treatment: Bracing is often the best treatment method as they work to stabilize the knee and take pressure off of the affected area. Physiotherapy is also recommended to aid the knee in strength development. Taking time off high intensity activity is advised as well to limit further injury to the knee.

Patellar Tracking Disorder

Patellar tracking issues occur when there are muscular imbalances or deficiencies that cause the patella to track improperly. Often this causes the patella to glide out of its normal path and causes pain.

Treatment: Physiotherapy and knee braces with a patellar cushion or donut can help maintain proper patella alignment and support joint structures.

Come See Us!

Don’t let knee pain get in the way of doing the things you love to do. Please book an appointment with us today! At BioPed Footcare, whether its orthotics, footwear or bracing, we are here for you. With our on-site lab there is nothing we can’t do! Meet with one of BioPed’s lower limb clinicians to see how you can keep your feet and legs healthy!