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Are Shin Splints Ruining Your Game?


Are Shin Splints Ruining Your Game?
Shin splints are a common complaint among avid walkers, runners, and athletes. Combating the deep aches and sharp pains that stop us in our tracks, derailing our active lifestyles, can be challenging. Your local BioPed is here to help, with tips and tricks to manage and reduce shin splint occurrence and pain.
The Arthritic Foot


The Arthritic Foot
Whether it is Osteoarthritis or Rheumatoid arthritis, there are a few key things to know when it comes to arthritis in the feet!
Arthritis Risk Factors & Treatments


Arthritis Risk Factors & Treatments
Many people all over the world live silently with arthritis, and do not know what it actually is or what the symptoms are. Simply put, arthritis is an inflammation of the joints. It can affect one (or multiple) joints within the body.
PFPS – Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome AKA Runner’s Knee!


PFPS – Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome AKA Runner’s Knee!
Some interesting facts about Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome are that, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, young adults and women are more likely to develop PFPS than men and older adults are.¹ Also, PFPS primarily affects athletes or those involved in regular activity.
Brace Yourself!


Brace Yourself!
Toenail Bracing is an excellent solution for people suffering from ingrown toenails.
Over the counter vs Custom fit – which is best for Knee Bracing?


Over the counter vs Custom fit – which is best for Knee Bracing?
Knee pain should not stop you from doing the things you love. Today we’ll chat knee bracing and how to make the decision on what to choose… Custom or OTC.
Do You Have Sore Knees But No Diagnosis?


Do You Have Sore Knees But No Diagnosis?
It’s frustrating when we have pain and don’t know what it is or what to do about it. When knee pain strikes, the effects can be debilitating.
How to prevent injuries on your first golf round of the season


How to prevent injuries on your first golf round of the season
The snow is gone, and the warm weather is here! Don’t let foot pain stop you from stepping back on the green. With these simple tips, you’ll stay upright and head down the fairway all summer long.
Golf Injuries to the Feet, Knees and Legs


Golf Injuries to the Feet, Knees and Legs
Did you know that your golf swing can strain the muscles in your feet, legs, abdomen and back? Playing the game on a hilly terrain doesn’t help either, as it increases these forces, leading to a higher probability of injury.
Is a custom brace the right solution for you?


Is a custom brace the right solution for you?
Living with knee pain and discomfort is a challenge many Canadians face daily. When it comes to managing knee pain, there are many treatments ranging from rest and modifying activities all the way to a full knee joint replacement.
Joint Pain


Joint Pain
Over 6 million Canadians have arthritis and in the coming years, this number will continue to grow. It is quite common for arthritis to be present in the hips, knees, ankles or feet. It can arise with age, from normal wear and tear on the joint.
How To Reclaim Your Golf Game With Knee Bracing


How To Reclaim Your Golf Game With Knee Bracing
If there’s one thing we’ve all accomplished this year, it’s that so many of us have now taken up the ever so popular summer sport; the game of golf.
Knee ligament injuries – choosing the right knee brace for you


Knee ligament injuries – choosing the right knee brace for you
Knee ligament injuries can be a real pain especially when they stop you from doing the activities you love.
Love Your Knees!


Love Your Knees!
Your knees are crucial for joint for your activities of daily life.
The Arthritic Knee


The Arthritic Knee
Knee pain from arthritis shouldn’t keep you from doing more. Let’s help relieve your knee pain together!
Sore knees getting the better of you? Learn possible causes and treatments


Sore knees getting the better of you? Learn possible causes and treatments
Dealing with sore knees can be a difficult experience, especially when you are unsure of what’s causing it and how to make it go away.
How To Support Arthritic Knees


How To Support Arthritic Knees
Did you know that arthritis affects nearly 5 million Canadians? It’s important to know that there are ways to treat it while also managing the pain and suffering that might come from it.